What Is Twinkas and How Does It Work, How Can One Register And Login? 

Twinkas, a peer-to-peer donation platform, was one of the top most visited sites in Nigeria in the year 2016. The Ponzi scheme swooped into Nigeria in 2017, shortly after millions of people suffered a huge financial loss on the popular Ponzi scheme, MMM.

On Twinkas, members donate to an individual account and not to a bank. Once you are paired with someone, you are expected to donate money within 24 hours or face being kicked out of the system as delays in payment to member’s accounts often cause panic in the system.

According to the company, the scheme was founded by a team of humanitarian specialists with the aim of fostering financial empowerment among members.

What Is Twinkas?

It is a member-to-member payment scheme where participants donate and receive money from one another. Created with the aim of improving people’s financial status, Twinkas has no central bank account for paying and receiving donations, rather members pay and receive payments through their individual accounts.

As it is common with most Ponzi schemes, participants on Twinkas are not allowed to create more than one account. The scheme, which claims to be reliable, trustworthy, efficient, sustainable, offers a 100% and more cash Return On Investment (ROI) in less than or 21 days, in addition, to a 5% referral commission.

There are five packages members are expected to choose from after they must have completed registration. They are Veteran, Ultimate, Premium, Classic, and Professional.

When you choose the premium package, you will have to pay N20, 000 and receive N40, 000 in return. The system randomly selects people who will pay you what is due to you within 21 days.


The ultimate package boasts the biggest bonuses. Here, you pay N50, 000 and receive 200 percent back. You receive your money from two other people, who would pay you N50, 000 Naira each.

Members who subscribe to the professional package are required to pay N10 000 to receive N20, 000 in return in 21 days. Here, the system links you to two people who will pay back your 200 percent.

The Veteran package is meant for people who would be willing to pay N100, 000 in order to get 200 percent payback. On this platform, the system automatically connects you with two other participants who would pay you N100, 000 each.

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How Does Twinkas Work?

Upon your registration on TwinKAS, you are expected to pay the sum of N5, 000, N10, 000, N20, 000, N50 000 or N100 000 to another participant assigned to you by the system.

Once the participant acknowledges your payment, the system will automatically assign two other people on the TwinKAS platform to pay you the double of what you had invested. For instance, if you invest N5, 000, you will get N10, 000 in return. If you choose to pay N200, 000, you will receive N400, 000. After you have received money from two participants under you, you will be kicked off by the system to allow more registrations. For every donation made, members receive 5 percent bonus – thanks to their referral link.

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Communication on Twinkas is strictly between donator and receiver only, while disputes between participants are usually handled by the system administrator.

How Can One Register And Login to Twinkas? 

Registration on the peer-to-peer donation forum is very easy and simple. All it requires is fast internet and a good browser.

Here are steps by steps instruction on how to go about it.

1. Go the platform’s website – www.twinkas.com

2. Scroll down to the blue “Create Your Account” icon and click on it.

3. You’ll be directed to the next page. Once you are on it, you will see the available packages, move down to the ‘signup’ button below and click on the package you want.

4. The next step is to fill in your information accurately on the registration form. Ensure you enter your details correctly and then click ‘submit’.

5. Once the system accepts your form, the dashboard of your Personal Office (PO) will open and become accessible.

6. The next thing is to fill in your bank details. You are expected to do this carefully because you won’t be allowed to change it or call anybody to request for payment into a different bank account. After you’ve finished this, you can now confirm the bank account.

7. Then, copy out your Activation Pin. This is very important as well.


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