Civil Defence Salary and Rank Structure

Nigerian Civil Defence salary and rank depend on academic qualification and experience. The highest rank in the Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) is the Commandant General, whose basic monthly salary is about ₦305,332. The lowest cadre is the Assistant Cadet, with a monthly salary of about ₦31,000.

The Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) was established in 1967 as a paramilitary institution focused on providing holistic security to life and properties in Nigeria. Like the military and police, the Civil Defence Corps has ranks and chains of command. Each rank receives varying salaries, benefits, and bonuses depending on their level.

In general, the Civil Defence Corps is one of the highest-paid paramilitary organizations in Nigeria.  For a better understanding, here is a detailed description of the Civil Defence Salary and rank structure.

Civil Defence Ranks

Ranking in the Civil Defence Corps is similar to that of the military and police in Nigeria. The highest rank in the service is the Commandant General, while the lowest is Assistant Cadet. The office of the Commandant General is usually appointed by the president of the federation, and their designated level is Level 18. The Assistant Cadet is usually occupied by SSCE result holders.

The Nigerian Civil Defence also has commissioned and non-commissioned officers. The serving officers obtain ranks based on the qualification or certificate they hold. Candidates with a bachelor’s degree get level 8 placement in the system, and those with lower qualifications begin with lower ranks. Medical doctors are usually placed on level 12, while Lawyers and Master’s degree holders are placed on 9. Below is a list of ranks represented in the Nigerian Civil Defence Corps.

  • Commandant General Level -18
  • Deputy Commandant General Level – 17
  • Assistant Commandant General Level -16
  • Chief Commander Level -15
  • Deputy Commander Level -14
  • Assistant Commander Level -13
  • Chief Superintendent Cadre Level -12
  • Superintendent Cadre Level 11
  • Deputy Superintendent Cadre – Level 10
  • Assistant Superintendent Cadre I – Level 9
  • Assistant Superintendent Cadre II – Level 8
  • Inspectorate Cadre – Level 7
  • Assistant Inspectorate Cadre – Level 6
  • Assistant Cadet – Level 3 – 5

HND Rank in Civil Defence

The Higher National Diploma (HND) holders in the Civil Defence Corps are given level 7 ranks. This is below the Bachelor’s Degree holders who are placed on level 8, and master’s holders on level 9. The disparity between the levels of an HND holder and a Degree holder has remained an issue in the service. The officers with HND certificates lament the ill-treatment and lack of career progression in the Corps that is caused by the disparity in the scheme of service, which has resulted in a lack of morale booster for holders of HND holders in the NSCDC.

Meanwhile, a memo signed by the secretary of the Civil Defence, Correctional, Fire and Immigration Services Board (CDCFIB) in 2020 stated that all candidates recruited by the Board with HND will be placed as Assistant Superintendent II CONPASS 08 level and can rise to the highest position in their respective services without discrimination. It further ordered that all Inspectorate ranks from Senior Inspector to Chief Inspector I be abolished, noting that all officers in the cadre would be converted to appropriate superintendent ranks.

The Federal Government also officially removed the dichotomy between Degree and Higher National Diploma certificate holders in the Civil Defence, Fire Service, Immigration, and Prison Services. Despite these moves, the changes have not been reflected in the salary structure of most government bodies, including the Civil defense.

An HND holder in Civil Defence with level 7 is paid from ₦483,014 to ₦567,065 annually, while an NCE Certificate holder in Civil Defence is always placed at level 6 and is paid about #100,000 as a monthly Salary. A level 8 Step 2 (Assistant Superintendent Cadre) officer of the NSCDC makes about ₦82,249 per month, whereas a level 8 Inspectorate Cadre makes about 47,255.

Civil Defence Salary Per Month

Since the Civil Defence Corp is a paramilitary structure, the salary is determined by the Consolidated Paramilitary Salary Structure (CONPASS). An officer’s salary is based on rank, experience, and education. For instance, HND Holders are placed on Level 7, Degree Holders are placed on Level 8, and Masters Holders are placed on Level 9. This means that the higher your level of education, the higher your rank.

Looking at the ranks represented in the service, the Commandant General of the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) is the highest-paid member of the organization, with a monthly pay of about ₦305,332 and an annual income of ₦2,464,560. The lowest on the cadre is Associate Cadre. Officers under this rank are paid a basic salary of about ₦31,188 per month and ₦374,259 annually. Below is a breakdown of the Civil Defence salary structure per month:

  • Assistant Cadre (Level 3 to 6) – ₦31,000 to ₦50,000
  • Assistant Inspectorate Cadre (level 7) – ₦34,288
  • Inspectorate Cadre (Level 8) – ₦47,255
  • Assistant Superintendent Cadre II (Level 9) – ₦82,249
  • Assistant Superintendent Cadre I (Level 10) – ₦88,035
  • Deputy Superintendent Cadre II (Level 11) – ₦95,295
  • Superintendent Cadre (Level 12) – ₦104,337
  • Chief Superintendent Cadre (Level 13) – ₦104,377
  • Assistant Commander (Level 14) – ₦117,121
  • Deputy Commander (Level 15) – ₦152,132
  • Chief Commander (Level 16) – ₦163,857
  • Assistant Commandant General I (Level 17) – ₦205,380
  • Deputy Commandant General II (Level 17) – ₦225,290
  • Commandant General (Level 18) – ₦305,332
See also  Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) Cadet and Student Salary Structure

The Nigerian Civil Defence Corps also provides other benefits and allowances such as housing allowance, transport allowance, meal subsidy, and hazard allowance, among others. These allowances and benefits vary depending on the level and position of the employee, and they are often added to the basic salary to give their income a major boost.  A level 3 officer may get from N50,000 to N70,000 monthly when all the benefits are added. High-ranking officers enjoy a lot of benefits.

Civil Defence Salary for SSCE Holder

The salary for a Civil defense official with an SSCE certificate can range from ₦30,000 to ₦50,000 monthly, depending on the specific job category and entry-level. The officers in this level occupy positions such as General Duty, Mechanic, Driver, Artisan, Technician, and other support staff categories. The salary of an O-Level holder begins to increase as they gain more experience in the service and are being promoted.

Civil Defence Salary Level 1

There is no Level 1 in the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC). The lowest level in the service is the assistant Cadet, represented as Level 3. Their salary ranges from N30,000 to N50,000. They are also entitled to benefits and bonuses meant for officials in their cadre.

Civil Defence Level 3 Salary

The Civil Defence level 3 salary ranges from N30,00 to N50,000. This is the minimum salary for an Assistant Cadre in the NSCDC per month. However, with various allowances and bonuses, the average salary of an Assistant Cadre is around N50,000 to N70,000 per month. The officers in this cadre are mostly SSCE holders.

Civil Defence Training Allowance

Training allowance at the Nigerian Civil Defence Corps is currently between N12,000 to 40,000 Naira every month. This, of course, depends on the entry qualification. If an O-level certificate holder is undergoing training, their allowance is expected to be between N12,000 and N15,000, as it is the lowest qualification you can use to secure a job in Civil Defence.

Graduates, including BSc and HND certificate holders, are paid N25,000 and above as Training Allowance. ND and NCE certificate holders have their training allowance ranging from N15,000 to N25,000.

Note: The training allowance is paid to the Civil Defence trainees – candidates intending and training to become a member of the Nigerian Civil Defence Corps.

What Is Nigeria Civil Defence Recruitment Portal?

The Civil Defence official website is, while its recruitment portal is The recruitment portal will be open when the service is open for recruitment. All you need to do is to:

  • Locate all open positions and select the one you want to apply for.
  • Complete the online application form, go through it, and then submit it.

Meanwhile, before you proceed to obtain the NSDC form, you must first ensure that you meet the recruitment requirements, which include the following

  • Applicants must be Nigerian Citizens by birth
  • Must be physically and mentally fit
  • Computer literacy will be an added advantage
  • Present a valid birth certificate or an age declaration
  • Applicants should be between 18 and 30 years of age
  • Must possess the requisite qualifications and certificates
  • Applicants must not be involved in any financial embarrassment.
  • Possess a minimum of 4 credits in no more than two sittings in WASSCE, NECO, GCE, or NABTEB.
  • Applicant’s chest measurement must not be less than 0.87 for men
  • Applicants must not have any of the following problems: communicable diseases, stammering, mental problems, sight problems, ear problems, or any physical disability. Must be physically and mentally sound.
  • No tattoos or inscriptions on the body.
  • Candidates must not belong to any secret society, cult or fraternity.
  • Must not be involved in any criminal activities in the past
  • Applicants must be willing to work in a new environment
  • No more than 1.60 meters for female and 1.65 meters for male candidates, respectively.
  • Applicants must be fit and present a medical fitness certificate from a recognized Government Hospital.

What is Civil Defence O Level Salary?

The O-Level salary is the Level 3 salary which is about N30,000. O-level certificate holders are also called Assistant Cadets, and they are mostly those with handworks like technicians, drivers, and artisans.


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