Helping Hands International (H2i): All The Facts You Didn’t Know

Helping Hands International (H2i) is an empowerment ­based­ membership program born out of a passion for total human capacity development and helping the less privileged in society.

This piece will discuss most of the facts about Helping Hands International (H2i)

Helping Hands International started in the Angels City of the Philippines with a woman called Luzvininda MacElvis. Luzvinind was a woman with a turbulent upbringing who struggled through life until she was helped.

To give back to society and help others who are where she once was, she vowed to reach out to orphans, widows, destitute, the poor, and everyone in need, this led her to set up a foundation called Helping Hands. With time she began to get support from others who saw her charity work as a noble cause that should be supported.

In the year 2010, Luzviminda met Dr. Ramiel Policarpio, a dentist from Japan with experience in multilevel marketing, who helped Luzviminda to take the Helping Hands Foundation to its next level. Dr. Ramiel Policarpio became a co-founder of the Foundation and they began to reach out to more people with humanitarian services.

But Luzviminda MacElvis wasn’t still satisfied as she had a bigger dream –  to take her passion for humanitarian service to every part of the world. But to do this required a huge fund.

The only way to pull funds together for such a gargantuan dimension of humanitarian service was to ask for a charity donation of $40 for potential help partners across the globe. It was on the basis of this that the networking dimension of Helping Hands International came into being.

The idea was to leverage on people to harness a global pull of funds for charity work in every part of the world but especially in less developed countries ravaged by economic hardship such as lack, hunger, starvation, deprivation, poverty, etc.

In 2013, Dr. Ramiel Policarpio was in Abuja for a health conference, where he met Dr. Timothy Ejiro Odeghe an Optometrist and a graduate of the University of Benin and shared with him the vision of Helping Hands.

A Series of other discussions followed which eventually laid the groundwork for what is today known as Helping Hands International – an NGO and a global humanitarian organization that is committed to touching lives and empowering people.

On the 3rd of December, 2013, Helping Hands International was launched on the global stage with the functional website

To pull together a global fund for humanitarian service, Helping Hands International (H2i) solicit for help partners who will make a  donation of $40 for charity work and go on to recommend others to do the same for the purpose of making available more funds for humanitarian services.

For doing that, help partners are given various incentives in the form of:
* referral bonus
* matrix bonus
* matching bonus
* laptops and car incentives
* housing funds
* international trip
* scholarship fund
* empowerment services, etc.

There are 5 bouquets of services offered by H2i.  They include:

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1. Humanitarian service
2. Trade and skill acquisition
3. Asset and property support services
4. Financial Empowerment  and
5. Scholarship award service.

Beyond creating opportunity for her help partners to have access to passive/residual sources of income, Helping Hands International (H2i) is also committed to developing the capacities of her members through a robust trade and skill acquisition service that empower her members to become self-reliant, self-sufficient, self-fulfilled and self-actualized through training in such skills areas as:

* website design/development
* computer graphic design
* high-quality detergent production (liquid soap and car wash)
* paint production
* fish and poultry farming
* bead making
* hat making
* car tracking technology, Etc…

H2i Compensation Plan

The compensation plan is a Forced 2x 2 and 2 x 5 Matrix Marketing System, where every member is required to refer 2 members each, every additional signup (referrals) will cause a spillover making the matrix fill faster. It is a follow-me matrix with spillover and spill under effect.

With this innovative marketing, plan members earn in 5 different stages and as they progress from stage to stage they earn and get life-changing rewards.

The entry fee is a one-time payment of $40, a sponsorship bonus of 20% is paid to members who refer any paid member, that is to say, $8 is paid to anyone who signs up another with his referral link.

Members can refer as many new members as they can, by so doing they earn more money and it also helps to cause spillover in their network. This compensation plan consists of 5 stages of payment, stage one is a 2×2 feeder matrix, stages 2,3, 4 are a 2×5 matrix, and lastly stage 5 is another 2×2.

These Helping Hands International stages are:

Stage 1 (Associate Member) where one is required to build a 2×2 matrix with 6 persons to move to stage 2. The maximum earning in stage 1 is 58 dollars.

Stage 2 (Master Member) is a 2×5 matrix with a minimum earning of 1000 dollars and a laptop/iPad.

Stage 3 (Super Master) is a 2×5 matrix with a minimum earning of 3000 dollars, a brand new Hyundai Elantra + empowerment of 2000 dollars for 2 persons recommended by you.

Stage 4 (Minister) is a 2×5 matrix with a minimum earning of 6000 dollars, a brand new iX35 Hyundai Jeep or GAC jeep, an asset and property support loan up to 12000 dollars,  orphanage home empowerment, etc.

Stage 5 (Prime Minister) is a 2×2 matrix with a minimum earning of 12,000 dollars, a housing fund of 40000 dollars, an elite club membership loan of 44,000 dollars, a yearly infinity bonus of 5000 dollars, children education fund of 2000 dollars, and an all-expense-paid International trip, etc.

Helping Hands International Board of Trustees

Members who complete Prime Minister’s stage 6 times and on the 7th tenure are entered into a new 2×3 matrix called TRUSTEE MATRIX and have the privilege of becoming Board Member­ of Helping Hands International Directors with potential earnings of up to 100,000 dollars, a yearly, international trips, etc.


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