The Bayelsa Postal code or zip code is 560001; however, it should be noted that each Local Government Area in Bayelsa state has its unique postal code.
Bayelsa state is a state in the south southern region of Nigeria. Created in 1996, Bayelsa state is located in the core of the Niger Delta. It was carved out from Rivers State, and its capital is Yenagoa. Bayelsa state has its major cities, including Yenagoa, Amasoma, Sagbama, Obi, Kauama, Oloibiri, Ogbia, Oporama, Koluama, Brass, and Opokuma. Each of these cities and towns has its unique identification number, also known as a postal code or Zip code. Below is a complete list of Bayelsa postal codes.
How Many Local Governments Are in Bayelsa State?
Bayelsa state has eight local governments areas, they are:
- Ekeremor,
- Kolokuma/Opokuma,
- Yenagoa,
- Nembe,
- Ogbia,
- Sagbama,
- Brass
- Southern Ijaw
Bayelsa Postal Codes and Zip Codes
Postal codes in Bayelsa state are categorized based on the local government areas in the state. This means that each of the local government areas in Bayelsa state has its unique code, which comprises of series of letters, digits, or a combination of the two, assigned by the Nigerian Postal Service (NIPOST) for the purpose of sorting mail.
The postal codes below are categorized into Bayelsa state local government regions, districts, and villages. The Bayelsa state NIPOST headquarters’ postal code is 560001. When filling out paperwork, however, it is recommended that you use the postal code assigned to your LGA. Find below the postal code for each local government in Bayelsa state
Ekeremor LGA
The following towns and villages within Ekeremor Local Government Area (LGA) make use of 561102:
Norhene, Obrigbene, Ogbogbene, Ogbosuwar, Oporoma, Oyiakiri, Peretou-Gbene, Tamogbene, Tamu-Gbene, Tarakiri, Tietiegbene, Toru-Foutorugbene, Aiegbe, Aleibiri, Amabulour, Ananagbene, Angalawei-gbene, Ayamassa, Bown-Adagbabiri, Ebikeme-Gbene, Eduwini, Ekeremor, Feremoama, Fontoru-Gbene, Isampou, Isreal o-Zion, Lalagbene, Ndoro
Kolokuma/Opokuma LGA
The following towns and villages within Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area (LGA) make use of 560102:
Akaibiri, Aya-Ama, Ayibabiri, Ayokoroma, Gbarama, Igbanwa, Igbedi, Kalama, Odi, Ofonibiri, Okolobaa, Oloibiri, Oyobu, Sabagreia, Sampou
Yenagoa LGA
Yenagoa is the capital of Bayelsa State, it is made up of Yenagoa town and Yenagoa rural areas. For Yenagoa town, each street and district have varying postal codes.
- Okakaoa – 560212
- Kpansiaoa – 560213
- Ede-Epeoa – 560214
- Imgbioa – 560221
- Swalioa – 560222
- Julius Berger – 560223
- Amarata-Epieoa – 560231
- Nipost Marketoa – 560232
- Bebelebiri 1 & 2 – 560233
- Ekekioa – 650211
Yenagoa Rural
All the villages under Yenagoa Rural use the Postal code 569101 and they are
Ikibiri, Okotiama, Biseni, Ikolo, Okutukutu, Bumodi, Jackbiri, Omom, Ede-Pie, Kaiama, Onura, Egbebiri, Kalaba, Opolo, Ekeki, Karama, Ovelemini, Ekpetiama, Korama, Polaku, Emblama, Kpansia, Tein, Epie, Nyanbiri, Tombia, Fangbe, Obungha, Tuburu, Freetown, Ogbolomo, Yenegwe, Gbarain, Ogoniforu, Yeniozue-Epie, Gbaramtoru, Ogu, Zarama, Ibia, Ojogbolo, Zarama Epie, Igbogene, Okolobiri, Ikarama, Okorodia, Abasere, Biogbolo, Agbia, Agbobiri, Agorogbene, Agudama, Agudama-Epie, Akada, Akpide, Akunomi, Amarata, Amasso, Anyamabele, Atissa, Azikoro, Bebelibiri, Betaland
Nembe LGA
The following towns and villages within Nembe Local Government Area (LGA) make use of 562102 :
Adukiri, Agada, Agrisaba, Akakumana, Allagaokiri, Amasara, Benkiri, Dorgu-Ewoama, Dumobi-Kumakiri, Ekpeikiri, Elemuama, Enyumuana, Etieme, Ewokiri, Fekorukiri, Igbeta-Ewoama, Ikensi, Isaiahkiri, Iseleogona, Iserekiri, Mini, Nembe, Obiama, Obiata, Odekiri, Okokokiri, Okoroba, Ologoma, Olusasiri, Oromabiri, Otumakiri, Sabatoru, Sangakubu, Shellkiri, Tengelkiri, Tengikokiri, Tombi.
Ogbai LGA
The following towns and villages within Nembe Local Government Area (LGA) make use of 562103:
Sagatama, Sobo Camp, Warbugoama, Otuabai 1, Otuabula 1, Otuabula 11, Otuaganagu, Otuakeme, Otuedu, Otuegwe, Otuekpein, Otuogidi, Otuogori, Otuokpoti, Qutar, Abobir, Iyakiri, Oruma, Akolomani, Kolo, Otegila, Amorokeni, Obakilolo, Otegwe, Amuruto, Obelebiri, Otuabagi, Anyama, Obuaba, Egeleama, Ogbia, Elebele, Ogboama, Emadike, Ogireyankiri, Emago, Okiki, Emakalakala, Okodi, Emegai, Olobiri, Epebu, Ologi, Ewama, Ologoghe, Ewoi, Oluaganagu, Igbo, Onuebum, Imiringi
Sagbama LGA
The following towns and villages within Nembe Local Government Area (LGA) make use of 561101:
Abuku, Ikpidiama, Adagbabiri, Kanan, Agbere, Odoni, Agoro, Ofoni, Agorogbene, Ogobiri, Akeddei, Ogobokiriama, Angalabiri, Ogoni, Anibeze, Okumbiri, Asamabiri, Osibiri, Bolou-Olrua, Osssiama, Dagnnama, Sagbama, Ebendebiri, Toru-Angiama, Egbepulougbene, Ekperiware, Tungbo, Trofani, Elemebiri, Tungbabiri, Igoni
Southern Ijaw LGA
Southern Ijaw Local Government Area (LGA) has two towns with varying postal codes. Below are the postal codes for each of the towns under Southern Ijaw
Kolu-Ama – 560104
Ofmiegbene, Pepelegbene, Tofiagbene, Ofogbene, Peresisofogbene, Tologbene, Ogbogbene, Petugbene, Tuimpeigbene, Ogbogero, Piebolegbene, Ukptatube, Ogboidigbene, Pisegbene, Ukubie, Lasofa, Ogodikoro, Port-Harcourt-gbene, Watchmangbene, Lobia, Ogolangorugbene, Rituagbene Saugagbene, Yedogbene, Lofamagbene, Okoboudob, Segpe, Loinbirikibi, Okpofuwari, Sonamadingbene, Magbogbene, Olobia, Sonotubogbene, Ngakoro, Olodi, Tacadosgene, Ngukuiagbene, Oloogbene, Oloogbene, Talegbene, North Point, Oporogbene, Tangagae, Nyuseyegbene, Osugbene, Tebitubufor, Obomikorogbene, Paratubo, Teibidaba, Odeigbene, Pepegbene, Tipama, Burukububo, Foniweitoro, Kokologbene, Consingbere, Fungbene, Koluama, Diogbegbene, Gbaran, Komobiama, Alisogbene, Donkerogbene, Glologbene, Komoforagbene, Amataugbene, Douglasgbene, Guaregbene, Kugbogbene, Apoi, Dubagbene, Hewigbene, Arikaripo, Ebatimogbene, Hittargbene, Aziama, Ebidargbene, Hopin Point, Babatonogbene, Eduregbene, Ibikologbene, Bayentorugbene, Egberime 1, Idebugbene, Bikirubogbene, Egberime 11, Izonagbene, Birieigbene, Ekeogbene, Kalarogbene, Birisyegbene, Ekinigbene, Kalawarigbene, Bitou, Erebugbene, Kamboira Boria, Bokomgbene, Etemere, Kasoma, Buragbene, Fiesigbene, Kogbene, Akaragbene, Akpobeleiowei, Alagbene
Oporoma – 560103
Ozezebiri, Peremabiri, Ohugbabiri, Polobugo, Okigbene, Saberugbene, Okpolububo, Sibiri, Olobobene, Sundaugbene, Olugbogbene, Sungbene, Ondewari, Tomgbene, Onyoma, Waribugo-gbene, Oporoma, Opuama, Orikowe, Osiama, Otuan, Oweikorogba, Oyeregbene, Abagbene, Boma, Ikiambiri, Ogilagbene, Abolgbene, Climonbene, Ikoromogbene, Ogoubiri, Agidigbere, Diebu, Ikpirigbene, Aguobiri, Egarebeni, Isaihgbene, Aleegbene, Ekeni, Jermaih-gbene, Amassoma, Ekowe, Kemeligbene, Angiama, Emete, Keregbene, Angiama-gbene, Eniwari, Korokorsei, Ayama, Erefumakomogbene, Korumogbene, Ayougbene, Ezetu, Laisukugbene, Azuzuama, Foinbiri, Lalgbene, Baberegbene, Furopa, Livergbene, Betterland, Gboloketise, Gboloketise, Luckygbene, Biabugbene, Igbomatoru, Luduon, Biagbogbene, Ikebiri, Nengigbene, Bolongbene, Ikeingbabiri, Nicholas-Gbene
Brass LGA
The following towns and villages within Nembe Local Government Area (LGA) make use of 562101:
Osugbene, Tereke, Otatubei, Ton Kiri, Otolo, Tuluama, Otufor, Wabokiri, Peribe, Wagite, Philippo, Waribokikiri, Onunu, Sabatoru, Warise Gbene, Onunwypele, Saikiri, Warri, Opolochi, sanekubo, Oporoma, Sangana, Opu Akassa, Sasuokiri, Opuorubo, Sounkiri, Orawo, Sowegbene, Oro-Foniweitoro, Spiffis Town, Orukiri, Tana, Orukutu, Tengikiri, Kirikakiri, Nampoju, Okpokiri, Kongho, Oaroweiama, Olugama, Kpangbokiri, Obama, Olukama, Kurogbaba, Obi, Olukugbene, Imbiri, Liama, Obudogbene, Iniedoyey-Ekiri, Location, Odioma, Omugopogu, Isikara, Mabokubu, Ofo Market, Ofo Market, Iwoama, Mansiorkiri, Ogalkiri, Jekegbene, Mbaskiri, Ogbonotroko, Kabuke, Mileokiri, Oimiekiri, Kalabilema, Minibeleu, Okiinibiriba, Misakiri, Okinbiriboteu, Kamikiri, Moborokiri, Okobotruo, Kemmers Town, Monikiri, Okoribukio, Kinkiamabugo, Munighakiri, Okparanaba, Kirigupo, Namatebe, Okpoama, Ebelegbene, Ereweibio, Idema, Ebikiri, Etabolagone, Igbabele, Bamankiri, Edebarikiri, Ewediri, Igbabopiri, Beletiama, Egbedekiri, Eweisuo, Ijawki, Benkiri, Egbilaba, Ewoama, Biantubu, Egekiri, Ewokiri, Boama, Egeletia, Eyenkiri, Bonneykiri, Egeregere, Fantuo, Brass, Egereogo, Fiwaritimi, Buogboko, Egwema, Ganigbene, Burukiri, Egwema Pogu, Gbene Ghama, Cape Formosa, Ekemakiri, Gold Coast, Captninakiri, Ekesitoko, Golubokiri, Clarendon, Elgitekin, Guorogbene, Curpen, Eluenigbene, Ibelebiekiri, Duokumgbene, Enegalogo, Ibtufra-Makiri, Abadikiri, Awazakiri, Abedigbene, Ayagirikiri, Abolikiri, Abulobiri, Adaakou, Adamkiri, Agbakabiriyai, Agubagaha, Akasa, Akipelai, Amagbefeu, Ampogu, Aparanbio, Arumhikiri, Atubo, Awajeakiri.
List of Towns in Bayelsa State
The following are the major towns in Bayelsa state
- Ogbia
- Kolokuma/Opokuma
- Odioma
- Southern Ijaw
- Ekeremor
- Sagbama
- Kaiama
- Brass,
- Nembe,
- Oloibiri
- Akassa,
- Otuoke