Generational curses are misfortunes or adversities that tend to happen repeatedly from one generation to the next. Even though a few people have argued that there are no longer such things as generational curses in this present age, they still do exist and are mentioned in several places in the bible.
Going by records, such curses can remain with the generation to its third or fourth before their effect could dematerialize. This article discusses everything to know regarding generational curses.
What is a Generational Curse?
“Generational curse,” according to the Bible, refers to a concept where the effects of the sins, misdeeds, or negative patterns of behavior of one generation are passed down and manifest in subsequent generations. This concept is primarily derived from certain passages in the Old Testament.
A generational curse can be largely seen as a punishment from God for a parent’s sin, which is passed down from generation to generation. It can also be explained as a repeating pattern of misfortune that affects parents, their children, their children’s children, and going on. A curse is thereby simply said to be generational when it is passed down from one generation to another.
Meanwhile, according to the school of thought that does not believe generational curses are still real, it is quite barbaric and absurd to think that God can punish a child because of what his ancestors had done many years ago. Going by a man’s law, a person should be punished according to the crime committed. But that is not the case, as God’s law is quite different from man’s. He condemns and discourages some of the serious sins of the parents through generational curses.
5 Types of Generational Curses
Below are the five types of generational curses with bible references.
1. Disobedience (Genesis 3:17;)
Disobedience is a type of generational curse that was inflicted by God on man right from the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Today, a curse is brought about when man disobeys God’s law. According to Genesis 3:17, cursed is the ground because of you. This is said to be the first curse, and many people believe it was Adam and Eve’s disobedience in eating the forbidden fruit that made man rebel against God today.
Its signs are wild children, family ruptures, and emotionally distant parents. The remedy for this curse can be improving the family life by spending more quality time together with all of the members of the family.
2. Idolatry (Exodus 20:3-5)
Idolatry is the worship of anything that is not the one true living God. Moreover, the bible warns about setting up idols in one’s heart and that good or material things can also become idols if we allow them to take the place of God because He is a jealous God. This is an iniquity that is meted upon a family line from one generation to another.
For such a sin, God clearly says that He curses fathers and their children to the fourth generation. It can also bring suffering and different kinds of calamities to a family and its subsequent generations. The signs of idolatry are a lack of prayer and loss of faith, spending lavishly on material things. It can be removed or cured by getting more committed to prayer, which will bring one’s focus back to God.
3. Violence (Genesis 9:25)
This type of generational curse is caused by abuse, negative thoughts, or maltreatment of people, and it is inflicted by man on his fellow man. This curse is said to have originated from Genesis 9:25, where Noah curses his son Canaan for mocking him. Since then, it is believed that man can inflict a curse upon his fellow man in the form of violence.
Its signs are physical and emotional aggression, resentment towards people, and chronic frustration. It can be remedied by improving one’s empathy and understanding of others.
4. Sickness (Deuteronomy 28:20-22, 27-28, 58-61)
It has, over the years, been found that a lot of sicknesses are genetic, meaning that they are passed down from generation to generation. Thus, sickness can be said to be a type of generational curse. This kind of illness tends to linger and cause distress and agony. This is also the reason medical practitioners usually check into a patient’s family medical history before going on to prescribe medication or treatment.
The signs of the generational curse of sickness include physical sickness like cancer or mental like addiction, disorder, depression, madness, etc. It can be removed by deepening one’s faith in God even when the sickness lingers. God alone is the one that will remove it in his own time (Exodus 23:25).
5. Bad Habits/Destructive Behaviours (Galatians 6:7)
This type of generational curse is also known as ill harvest. According to Galatians 6:7, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” In this context, this curse comes upon a person as a result of the habits one builds over time, such as adultery, sloth, or envy. This could only cause one to reap the destructive harvest and weathered morals in the future, which can also be passed down to their children and in generations to come.
The signs of this curse include destructive tendencies like warped morals, gluttony, reluctance to seek forgiveness, laziness, and so on. Whereas, it can be removed by spending more time in prayer and putting more practical efforts to change such bad habits.
What is the Difference Between a Curse and a Blessing?
In its simplest form, a blessing is simply the opposite of a curse. According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, blessing is God’s favor and protection. Further, a blessing can be seen as a state of happiness. Meanwhile, many people today associate blessing only with earthly riches and possessions, which is wrong.
According to biblical meaning, to be blessed simply means to be accepted and favored by God. Being blessed can attract riches, but riches cannot be the measure of God’s blessings. Meanwhile, curses are inflicted when one is a victim of evil pronouncement. They are originated from evil deeds that provoke either the wrath of God or man. While some curses are generational, others are not.
What is a Generational Curse?
A generational curse is a repeating pattern of evil deeds or misfortune that comes upon parents, their children, and generations beyond.
Is a generational curse the same as a Family curse?
General curses and family curses are almost the same thing. The latter is the belief that a family is inflicted with a certain misfortune or negative fate that has been passed down through the generations.
How long does a generation last?
The average period a generational curse can last is 20 to 30 years
How many years is considered a generation in the Bible?
In the bible, generations were commonly placed at 35 years.
Are Generational Curses Real?
Yes, generational curses are real.
How Can You Break Generational Curses?
Generational curses can be broken by the help of the Holy Spirit. There are no proven laid-down steps to break it, but one can set oneself free from them by making a conscious decision to quit practicing and passing on toxic traits such as anger, addiction, etc.