{"id":5925,"date":"2023-04-05T10:46:00","date_gmt":"2023-04-05T10:46:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/buzznigeria.com\/us\/?p=5925"},"modified":"2024-01-10T06:20:38","modified_gmt":"2024-01-10T06:20:38","slug":"jesse-james-keitel-gender-is-the-actor-a-transgender-man-woman-or-non-binary","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/buzznigeria.com\/us\/jesse-james-keitel-gender-is-the-actor-a-transgender-man-woman-or-non-binary\/","title":{"rendered":"Jesse James Keitel Gender: Is The Actor a Transgender Man, Woman or Non Binary?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Jesse James Keitel is a transgender woman and uses she\/her pronouns. Previously, she identified as a non-binary person and used the gender-neutral they\/them pronouns.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Jesse James Keitel is an American actress, writer, and artist who has been active in the movie industry since 2013. She first gained mainstream recognition for her portrayal of Ryan Miller in Miller & Son<\/em>, a 2019 live-action short film directed by Asher Jelinsky, a famous non-binary filmmaker. Thereafter, she pulled off a groundbreaking casting as Jerrie Kennedy in the ABC crime drama series Big Sky.\u00a0<\/em>With this, she made history as the first openly queer series regular on ABC. Jesse then consolidated that with her role as Ruthie, a trans woman, in Queer as Folk.\u00a0<\/em><\/p>\n

Is Jesse James Keitel a Man or a Woman?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Jesse James Keital is a transgender woman and uses she\/her pronouns. This means that when the Big Sky actress was born on the 26th of\u00a0 June 1993, she was born as a male but later transitioned. For one to identify as a transgender woman, it means the person was assigned male at birth but has a female gender identity. Because of that, they are said to suffer from gender dysphoria, a distressing condition triggered by the inconsistency between their “true” gender identity and the one they were assigned at birth.<\/p>\n

Jesse James Keitel must have lived through this. She identified as nonbinary before she embraced being a transgender woman. Being non-binary means that your gender identity is neither male nor female. Jesse went by the pronouns they\/them when she identified as non-binary, indicating at that point that she didn’t think of herself as either male or female. This is now in the past, as the actress has now made it clear that she loves<\/a> being a woman.<\/p>\n

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A post shared by Jesse James Keitel (@jessejameskeitel)<\/a><\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n