Language is a vital means of communication which is divided into verbal and non-verbal. Talking of verbal languages, English is the official language in Nigeria which has over 520 local languages belonging to various ethnicities. There are three main language, named after the people they belong to. They are Yoruba, Ibo (also spelled Igbo), and Hausa.
Also, there is also a variation of English called ‘Pidgin English’ or ‘Broken English’. For instance, “I’m going” is “I de go”, “I wont” is “I no”, “what” is “wetin”, and those are just a few examples. For more examples, check out this link. ,
Language and Communication
The importance of language in communication can best be visualized as the relationship between a train and a railway track. Without language, it is almost impossible to effectively relay an idea, concept, or thought from one point (person) to another.
If you are looking for how to communicate more effectively, here are some interesting resources:
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